
顯示從 2月, 2023 起發佈的文章

Sargent and Spain

  Visit the Legion of Honor museum today   <Sargent and Spain>  John Singer Sargent Living in a foreign land, I am very touched by travel paintings. I believe this artist must love Spain so much that he can paint touching works. If Mr. Ran Maoqin is the master of traditional realism in Taiwan, this Sargent is one of the key figures who influenced the style of realism and impressionism and expressionism in the United States in the early 20th century.  Share a few resonant words and impressive works.  *this show is demonstrating Sargent’s curiosity and commitment as a traveler  *Sargent’s Art through the end of his career, reminding us of the powerful and lingering influence of travel. 今天到 Legion of Honor museum 參觀  <Sargent and Spanish> John Singer Sargent 的回顧展 身在異鄉,對於旅遊繪畫很有感觸,猜想這位藝術家肯定是深愛西班牙,才能夠畫出感人的作品。 如果冉茂芹老師是台灣傳統寫實派的泰斗,這位 Sargent 則是 20 世紀初影響美國寫實風格及印象和表現主義風格的重要關鍵人物之一。 分享一下幾句有共鳴的話及印象深刻的作品。 *this show is demonstrating Sargent’s curiosity and commitment as a trave

Strada Easel Challenge 2023

Strada Easel Challenge 1/1-1/31/2023 Finished the last piece of the Strada Easel Challenge. There are many feelings in this painting. After 31 days, what should I paint? how to draw Why draw? (Especially the first 3 weeks were almost rainy and cold) ⋯It feels like a wonderful, surprising, and exploratory experience. 完成了Strada Easel Challenge 的最後一幅。這幅畫裡面有許多感受在裡面,31天經歷了要畫什麼?怎麼畫?為什麼畫?(尤其是前3週幾乎都處在下雨濕冷的 狀態)⋯感覺很奇妙、驚喜、探索的體驗。 This is my first attempt to paint a Buddha statue. According to my predecessors, it looks like an antique unearthed from the Sanxingdui site. The colors are as colorful as the world of mortals, so I named this sketch: "Buddha Statue_Practice in the world of mortals"  這是我的第一次嘗試畫佛像,聽前輩說,看起來是三星堆遺址出土的古董。色彩斑斕繽紛如紅塵,於是將這幅小品命名為:佛像_修行在紅塵 In addition, I also try a variety of interesting themes and composition and impasto techniques, including: snacks and pastries, vases and various containers 另外, 我也嘗試是各式有趣的主題和構圖和厚塗技法, 包括:點心和糕點, 花瓶及各式容器 The last week was sunny, so I went o