
顯示從 3月, 2023 起發佈的文章

Arts Exhibition planning and experience 藝術展覽規劃及心得

Since November last year, I have successively participated in exhibitions, including Aug 11 2022, “AAU Student Show at SRISA, Florence Italy” Nov. 3-Dec. 7, 2022 “Vision of Italy”, March 12-Jun12, 2023 “Rusty Truck and Ranch”, March 16- April 30, 2023 “Arts Alive Petaluma, When Ching Ju met Mary Fassbinder”   I would like to record a few feelings, as well as what needs to be considered and prepared when holding an exhibition, for the reference of interested emerging artists or readers:   1. Take the first step bravely 2. Hold the exhibition with joy and joy of sharing 3. Clearly present and express the " Theme, Appeal and Concept" of each exhibition 4. Preparation in advance: Space planning of the venue, material and color of the frame, flyer design, autograph book, distribution and sharing of emails and media information, preparation and sending of invitations, purchase and display of snacks and drinks Plate preparation, planning of live flowers or background music or live m...

A friend once asked me what do you do when you are not painting? ⋯⋯朋友曾問我不畫畫的時候你都做什麼?⋯⋯

每次去朋友的畫室,開車在田野路上,都會瞄到這群長毛牛, 今天特地親身來近距離拍攝,謝謝這群 超級可愛且無敵療癒的長毛牛~ 朋友曾問我不畫畫的時候你都做什麼?⋯⋯ 答案是:前往攝影或是咖啡館的路上 ! ©  Copyright by ChingJu Tsao  2023 FB: ChingJu Tsao IG:  chingju_art Website: https://www.chingjuart.com