Arts Exhibition planning and experience 藝術展覽規劃及心得
Since November last year, I have successively participated in exhibitions, including Aug 11 2022, “AAU Student Show at SRISA, Florence Italy” Nov. 3-Dec. 7, 2022 “Vision of Italy”, March 12-Jun12, 2023 “Rusty Truck and Ranch”, March 16- April 30, 2023 “Arts Alive Petaluma, When Ching Ju met Mary Fassbinder”
I would like to record a few feelings, as well as what needs to be considered and prepared when holding an exhibition, for the reference of interested emerging artists or readers:
1. Take the first step bravely
2. Hold the exhibition with joy and joy of sharing
3. Clearly present and express the " Theme, Appeal and Concept" of each exhibition
4. Preparation in advance: Space planning of the venue, material and color of the frame, flyer design, autograph book, distribution and sharing of emails and media information, preparation and sending of invitations, purchase and display of snacks and drinks Plate preparation, planning of live flowers or background music or live music performances, and finally, remember to get enough sleep the day before ~ keep your spirits up!
5. Opening: Be mentally prepared. The opening exhibition usually has 1-2 hours of non-stop talking with people. You can actively interact with the audience, guests or collectors and explain the works in a timely manner. Wear the most comfortable clothes and dress up, prepare a business card or postcard with you
6. After the exhibition: Keep guest information, keep in touch and share information about new works or exhibitions
7. For the sales of works, maintain a normal and positive attitude, and accumulate confidence and experience time after time
8. Make a lot of good karma~ Maybe you will be lucky enough to receive invitations from many predestined people to exhibit!
從去年11月開始, 陸續地開始參與展覽, 包括 Aug 11 2022, “ AAU Student Show at SRISA, Florence Italy” Nov. 3-Dec. 7, 2022 “Vision of Italy”, March 12-Jun12, 2023 “ Rusty Truck and Ranch”, March 16- April 30, 2023 “ Arts Alive Petaluma, When Ching Ju met Mary Fassbinder”
我想紀錄下來幾項感受, 以及辦展覽時需要考量及準備的地方, 提供給有興趣的新銳藝術家或是讀者參考:
1. 勇敢的踏出第一步
2. 帶著滿心歡喜及分享的喜悅來辦展覽
3. 清楚且明確的呈現及表達每ㄧ擋展覽的“作品主題和訴求及概念”
4. 事前準備:場地的空間規劃, 裱框的材質及顏色, 宣傳單設計, 簽名簿, 電子郵件及媒體訊息的佈達及分享, 邀請函的準備和寄出, 點心和飲料的採購及擺盤準備, 現場花卉或背景音樂或是現場助興音樂表演的規劃, 最後, 前一天要記得睡飽~保持精神奕奕!
5. 開幕展: 要有心理準備, 開幕展通常會有1-2小時不停地與人說話的時間, 可以適時地主動與觀眾, 來賓或是藏家互動及闡述作品, 著最舒服的服裝和打扮, 隨身準備名片或是明信片
6. 展覽後:來賓資料保存, 持續保持聯絡及分享新作品或是展覽的訊息
7. 對於作品銷售的部分, 保持平常心及正向的態度, 一次一次的累積信心和經驗
8. 廣結善緣~或許你也會很幸運地收到許多有緣人的邀約展出唷!
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IG: chingju_art