"Wishes Fulfilled" 心想事成! 靜茹的藝術創作分享

 "Wishes Fulfilled"  心想事成! 靜茹的藝術創作分享

My blogger aims to ...

Dr. Wayne Dale’s book "Wishes Fulfilled" helps many people to practice the "art of dream manifestation" step by step, I am also one of the readers get inspired

The "dreams" discussed here are by no means the achievement and fame expected in the world. Those may only be the added value that follows. The "dreams" here are closer. The deeper "mission" in everyone's life is enthusiasm and moving,giving, dedication, love...

I am very fortunate to be able to continue learning with enthusiasm after crossing the 50-year-old threshold

Growth and dedication make people happy. It is never too late to learn and give. Let this motivation become the way of  our life.

You are also welcome to leave messages or any ideas to see what gorgeous and supportive energy we can create together at my blogger.

Drake's Beach, 
Oil painting on12x24" canvas


偉恩.戴爾博士的著作“Wishes Fulfilled" 幫助許多人一步步的實踐“夢想顯化的藝術”, 




成長和奉獻, 使人快樂 成長和奉獻永遠都不嫌晚 讓這股動力成為生命進的行式

亦歡迎有共鳴的你或是有任何想法的你, 留言互動, 成就彼此.

    Spring time, Marina Blvd, SF2021
    oil painting on 12x24" canvas

" Never stop playing when the music is still in you ~" by Dr.Wayne Dyer

FB: ChingJu Tsao

IG:  chingju_art

Website: https://www.chingjuart.com

© Copyright by ChingJu Tsao  2021





Travel and exploration vs. exotic painting 旅行&探索vs異國繪畫

A friend once asked me what do you do when you are not painting? ⋯⋯朋友曾問我不畫畫的時候你都做什麼?⋯⋯