Wildlife and animal painting 02

oil painting on canvas, 11x14

Another unexpected surprise about animal painting was my encounter with Wendy Brayton, a local well-famous painter from Petaluma, this summer, 2021. Coincidentally, she happened to be an alumni of AAU who was several years earlier than me. At first, I found her on Instagram. Her outdoor plein air paintings, themes and colors are colorful and bright, full of vitality and personal charm, which deeply attracted my attention.


After learning that she was teaching, I took the initiative to study painting in her studio, hoping to be inspired by the use of colors. She is very generous and kind to share with me all her personal experience in artistic creation without reservation.


This pair of cows is the first painting I completed in her studio. We start with a preliminary discussion on the composition, and then we gradually introduce the analysis of the cow's body structure ( anatomy) , as well as the use of brushstrokes, and finally the presentation of the overall atmosphere of the painting.


Because her studio is very bright, spacious and comfortable, we drew pictures while sharing jazz and country music. In such a pleasant atmosphere, let me paint the pair of cows on the grassland and have a happy time grazing.

Wendy Brayton's Website




關於動物繪畫的另一個意外的驚喜,是今年暑假,我與Petaluma 的在地畫家Wendy Brayton 的邂逅。很巧合的是,她剛好是早我好幾屆的AAU學姐。起初我是在Instagram 上發現她,她的戶外寫生,主題和色彩繽紛且鮮明,充滿活力氣息及個人魅力,深深吸引我的目光。







Wes, oil on canvas, 16x20

I have been following Wes’s IG for a while. According to his master, Hai, Wes is a “Thoroughbred” American Pit Bull Terrier, a dog bred for high level sports. He is also a serious dog when working, but a big goofball at home. Traits are confidence, drive & power. There’s nothing soft about him, he’s a hard dog. Meaning he can take pressure or punishment quite well. Especially when his drive goes full throttle. He is a winner!! 


Maybe it’s because I have loved dogs since I was a child, and Wes itself is very unique, so I enjoy the process of painting Wes very much. I have a feeling of talking to him all the time. Friends praise me, Wes’s momentum and charm have been presented in my paintings. Such compliments are really inspiring to me.

我關注韋斯的 Instagram 有一段時間了。 據他的主人海說,韋斯是一隻純種美國比特鬥牛犬,一種為高水平運動而飼養的狗。 他在工作時也是一隻嚴肅的狗,但在家裡卻是個大傻瓜。 特質是自信、動力和力量。 他沒有什麼軟弱的地方,他很強悍。 這意味著他可以很好地承受壓力或懲罰。 尤其是當他全力以赴時他是贏家!


Golden Thread Frog, oil on canvas, 24x30

The final project, I chose a larger canvas to create. The 24x30" large canvas is a challenge, but it is quite enjoyable to paint with a large brush. The theme of this painting is a protective frog." "Golden Thread Frog", it is waiting by the lotus, ready to look for small insects. Its focused and innocent looking is very peaceful and pleasing. I am very grateful to fellow photographer Louis Chen for providing this high-quality photographic image, whether it is the original composition or the idea, it is very attractive. Hopefully, incorporating realistic and expressive styles and brushstrokes will add some flavor to this theme.

期末專案 選擇了較大些尺寸的畫布來創作, 24x30”的大畫布雖然是個挑戰但是拿起大筆揮毫畫起來其實還挺過癮的這幅畫的主題是一隻小青蛙在蓮花旁伺機等待覓食的模樣專注且天真非常討人歡喜


很是感謝攝影同好Louis Chen提供這個優質的攝影作品影像不論是原始構圖或是立意就非常吸引人但願融入寫實和寫意的繪畫風格和筆觸,有替這個主題添加一些風味 

FB: ChingJu Tsao

IG:  chingju_art

Website: https://www.chingjuart.com

© Copyright by ChingJu Tsao  2021



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