Wildlife and animal painting 01

 Wildlife and animal painting 01

 Oil painting on 12x24" canvas

Some painters have devoted their whole lives toWildlife and animal painting, forming unique subject matters in the field of art world, and gradually attracted people’s attention and collection.


Humans and animals are closely related. How to coexist harmoniously on this earth has become a topic of concern to some painters, especially the protected animals such as elephants, rhinos, giraffes, elks, wild geese... etc., through the painter’s  creation, captures the appearance of animals in the nature, the moments of eloquence, and shows the beauty of all beings living together on an equal footing.


The following is a list of several world-class painters, it is very worthwhile for us to spend some time to appreciate their works.

Carl Ruingus, Robert Bateman, Greg Beecham. David Shepard, Michael Workman, Andrew Wyeth, David Galchutt, Luke Frazier, William Stout…etc.


This summer, fortunately I got a chance to take "Wildlife and animal painting" as an elective. It was taught and demonstrated personally by Craig Nelson, director of the AAU fine art department. Although the study time is short and tight, I still feel very rewarding.


In addition to the steps and techniques of painting, Craig would repeatedly guide us to think about the original intention of painting (primitive motivation), the conception and choice of the photo reference, and the main concept of painting. These factors dominate the presentation of aesthetics in the process of painting.


What animal to paint? What is the size and composition of the canvas? What style of painting is used to show it? Is the paint thickly painted or lightly painted?

Portrait style? Or integrate animals into the landscape? Or abstract or surreal style? Delicate?


So, for the first painting, I boldly chose one. The picture of a pair of elks captured at Point Reyes National Sea Shore in 2018. I have strong faith that this painting has a a very unique and designed sense of composition. The posture of the two elks is energetic and charming, but, after all, this is my first attempt, so I personally feel that the posture and textures of the elks still needs careful observation and description. The bold and generous brushstrokes are also the goal I have been working hard for.

Oil painting on 20x20" canvas
Mallards at Lucchesi park, Petaluma

有ㄧ些畫家投注一生專注於Wildlife and animal painting, 在藝術領域中形成獨特的繪畫主題於是漸漸引起人們的關注和收藏





Carl Ruingus, Robert Bateman, Greg Beecham. David Shepard, Michael Workman, Andrew Wyeth, David Galchutt, Luke Frazier, William Stout



  這個暑假,我很幸運的選修這堂 Wildlife and animal painting” 

  由AAU藝術系主任Craig Nelson親自教授和示範雖然學習的時間短暫且緊湊仍然感到收益匪淺


  除了作畫的步驟和技巧, Craig會再三引導我們去思考,作畫的初心 (原始動機)畫面的構思和絕擇以及作畫之意向和概念這些因素主導著作畫的過程中美學的呈現





  於是第一幅畫我很大膽的選擇一張, 2018年在Point Reyes National Sea Shore補捉到的一對麋鹿的畫面我覺得這幅畫的立意很好,有很獨特的空間感,兩隻麋鹿的體態也囧囧有神且迷人,

  不過,我畢竟是動物繪畫的新手,麋鹿的體態仍需要細心的觀察和描繪,豪邁大氣的筆觸, 則是一路走來,自我期許的目標和方向 

© Copyright by ChingJu Tsao  2021

FB: ChingJu Tsao

IG:  chingju_art

Website: https://www.chingjuart.com


  1. 描繪動物真心不容易!尤其,得捕捉其姿態及眼下意涵、情緒,以人的角度...,更需要很大的功力!那與對攝影作品當下的解讀,應該也有著密切關聯。妳真的很棒喔!

    1. Nothing is impossible,有心 真心 真的很重要~ 至於繪畫的技巧唯有透過不停的練習,終將形成每個人自己的獨特風格😃🙏




"Wishes Fulfilled" 心想事成! 靜茹的藝術創作分享

Travel and exploration vs. exotic painting 旅行&探索vs異國繪畫

A friend once asked me what do you do when you are not painting? ⋯⋯朋友曾問我不畫畫的時候你都做什麼?⋯⋯