Contemporary Painting 02


Self-portrait, oil on 12x16" canvas

The expressionist style is not limited to the exaggerated or rendered composition or color of the characters, but also applies to the presentation of landscapes or still lifes. Using a palette knife to show the thick-coated texture is particularly capable of showing visual tension, as if it is the endorsement of the emotional expression of painters.


I was 46 years old then, just like a flower that was about to wither after it blooms. It seems that I was still attached to the tail of youth, but I couldn't grasp it. The self-confident me, the tears hidden in my eyes, still keep on What is the meaning of life? What is the definition of love?


Birthday roses, oil on 16x20" canvas

Only by knowing surrender can you understand the taste of the rose life, bloom to your heart's content, enjoy every moment of the moment, give generously without asking for rewards, living your own mission, and not seeking approval from compromising...


Oil painting on 24"x30" canvas, Autumn Leaves

In this work, I tried to combine Wayne Thiebaud’s expressive methods of light and shadow, and the use of impressionist color points (crystallinity and structure), plus my own creativity: phantom and reflection under the sun and the combination of colorful colors. Finally I try to simplify the shape of the object, overall, hoping to present the surprise and the sense of rhythm that gorgeous autumn leaves of street scenery bring to us.

在這件作品中,我嘗試結合韋恩·蒂博的光影表現手法,印象派色點(結晶度和結構)的運用,加上我自己的創造力:陽光下的幻影和反射以及色彩的組合。 最後我盡量簡化物體的形狀,整體上,希望能呈現出街景絢爛的秋葉帶給人們的驚喜和韻律感。

Oils on 24x30” canvas, pumpkin harvest.

Feast for eyes, food for soul, pumpkin harvest for Halloween & families. Thanks the artistic nourishment from Petaluma this period. 

眼睛的盛宴,靈魂的食物,萬聖節和家庭的南瓜收穫。 感謝佩塔盧馬這一時期的藝術滋養。

© Copyright by ChingJu Tsao  2021

FB: ChingJu Tsao

IG:  chingju_art




"Wishes Fulfilled" 心想事成! 靜茹的藝術創作分享


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