Wild flowers of Mendocino county line

Wild flowers of Mendocino county line, Oil painting on 18x24" canvas

 The western coastline of the United States has magnificent and beautiful scenery, and sometimes there are amazing and surprising coastal scenes.

From Petaluma to Mendocino is a very suitable route for self-driving roaming. Wandering in the blue sea and sky, there are pine cypresses, eucalyptus trees, green fields and hillsides along the road, or sometimes steep, sometimes winding and narrow, making you Refreshing!

Mendocino is a coastal town full of literature and art. This is a town built by a group of very united and cooperative residents. Here, you can have many cultural and youth-style experiences, characteristic and warm B&B accommodation options, and local specialties. Galleries, bookstores, handicraft shops, coastal walks, nostalgic train journeys, handicraft experience courses, morning and evening walks, nostalgic lights on the coast, sunrise and sunset coastal scenery…

Now enjoy the landscape photos I took here and the oil painting "Wild flowers of Mendocino county line" inspired by this lovey town.


從Petaluma到Mendocino 是一條非常適合自駕漫遊的路線,徜徉在湛藍的海天之中,沿路有松柏、尤加利樹、綠油油的田野和山坡,或是時而險峻陡峭,時而蜿蜒狹窄,讓你心曠神宜!

Mendocino 一個充滿文藝氣息的海岸小鎮,這是有一群非常團結合作的居民共同建構的小鎮,在這裡度假,你可以有許多文青風格的體驗,特色溫馨的B&B住宿選擇,地方特色美食,畫廊,書店,手工藝品店,海岸步道,懷舊火車之旅,手工藝體驗課程,晨昏散步,欣賞海岸懷舊風情的燈搭,日出及日落海岸風景⋯⋯

現在就欣賞我在此地拍下的風景照片,以及此地給予啟發靈感所畫出來的作品”Wild flowers of Mendocino county line”

           Point Cabrillo Light Station / State Historic Park

        The Blue door B&B Inn
Big River

Lovely town house

Book and craft stores 



FB: ChingJu Tsao

IG:  chingju_art

Website: https://www.chingjuart.com

© Copyright by ChingJu Tsao  2022



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